Monday 9 June 2014


This post will be the last one in 4th of ESO. I will say which blog I like the most and the best post I have published in my own blog. In my selection proces I have decided to give the price to the post " What's making duck sounds in the ocean? ". And the blog that I like the most is Gabriel's one because he has a lot of appealing writings.

Monday 2 June 2014

News. What stops us from building very high skyscrapers?

There are only two problems that humans can't prevent 100% when building a skyscraper.

The first one is the wind, wind is not the same at ground level than at more than 300m. What a gentle breeze can be at ground level at very high altitudes. Many buildings in very popular and famous cities have been too exposed to wind, and there has been high risks for the skyscrapers to collapse. That's why many architects without saying anything to anyone construct security objects such as pendulums or metals to protect the upper partform wind.

However, for example, the highest skyscraper in the world  is in Dubai, it's name is Burj Khalifa Tower and it is 1km high. This tower has a unique structure and solution, it is " Y " shaped, the architect says that the key is to have a very big and strong base and it has to be still big at it's half size, in this case 500m.

Seconldy, there is another problem. Elevators. It is impossible to construct a 1km elevator, any winch in the world can support a cable of more than half a kilometre, that's the true problem of the engineers or the architects on those super structures.