Monday 14 October 2013


CODE:   tc5fv6g66868mwm

I agree with all my results, except the logical intelligence, I think that every human person in life has a very high level of logic, when human's were created they survived. How?  Discovering new techniques to survive new problems that appear to their lives. How did the  humans do it during all this years to survive and evolve so much in techonology? Logic is the answer to all this questions.
My possible careers according to my type of intelectual intelligence are:

- Small Business.
- Pychologist.
- Marketing Specialist.
- Administrator.
- Human resources manager.

Friday 4 October 2013

The animal that I would be according to my character, is an animal that I love, since childhood I have been seeing many foxes, for those that don't know, I live in the countryside, that's why I've always seen a lot of them at night around my house looking across the windows. They are so nice and so amazing! I believe that I would be a perfect fox according to my character, I wish I could try to be one of them. Another thing that makes it easier to me to love foxes  is that this animal is very similar to cats, and my favorite animal is the cat, followed just behind by the dog.

My Dream

If you have a dream, the minimum you can do is try to make it become true.
Dreams are wishes that someone has in his mind, in this case, I am going to talk about my dream.

My dream, is to one day finish school with a good average, well, sufficient to go and study to another country, if possible in the Unites States, because there is the best place to study the career I want to accomplish which is film maker. Hollywood is the most important place of the world to make films. Yo ba able to go and study my career at Hollywood I need an average of of 6,6 in 4th of ESO, this average I need if I go to a public boarding school if not I don't need average, but I need to pay a large amount of money which is very difficult to pay it nowadays with this economic situation. In fact, I repeated 4th of  ESO because at the other school  started badly the year and it was too difficult so I decided to start a new year in a new school, and that's what's I've done. My problems, that can decide my future are the exams that I have to pass, not only at 4th of ESO... and not only with a five it has to be more than a 7.
My solution to this problem, which is the only one is to study hard, and try my best, in fact is the only thing I can do.