Monday 16 December 2013

It's Christmas Time

Christmas means a lot of things for me.

It means being with my family, opening presents, having loads of free time and of course giving my parents some presents I always buy for them. Every Christmas I try to be as happy as possible although my final semester marks are not as good as they should be. My parents don't work during the Christmas holidays so they can spend more time with me and my brother, we open all of our gifts, and we use them during all the day. This year I haven't asked for many presents because I am already happy with what I have, neither my brother has asked for a lot of things as he usually does all the years. This Christmas I want to make my family as happy as possible and try to change all the bad things I have done this year, including studies.

Monday 2 December 2013

listen to ‘rue morgue’ on Audioboo">   This book I've read in class is called "The Murder in the Rue Morgue". It's a very short book, which makes it more intense and fast-action. It all starts when two guys meet in Paris,  they are very similar in all aspects so they decide to buy a house and live there. One day Dupin is reading the diary and discovers that there has been an murder in the Rue Morgue. They decide to investigate this murder, they go to the house were it has happened. The things they see, makes them arrive to a conclusion, "the murder is very agile and strong".  So they keep searching for clues in the house and they find hair in the floor, by the color it has and it's characteristics Dupin discovers that this disaster may has been provoked by an Orangutan. And of course, if Dupin says it's an Orangutan, it is. At the end of the story they realize how the assassinate was made, what caused it and why.

In my opinion, I think this book is perfect for people like me that don't enjoy too much reading so they read shorter books, and books that are full of action.