Monday 7 April 2014


Ship wrecks have also been pretoected from "treasure hunters" in British territory, now they are being exploded because of the technology advancement. 

Before the associations that defended this pieces of history, didn't have too worry about robatories. However, as I said before nowadays technology makes it easy to arrive at the bottom of the sea, were the ship wrecks are situated, the only thing you need to have is a bit of money to buy the necessary equipment.  


For example, in this image you can see a boat that sank in 1978, it's near the British coast and it has been in perfect state until 2009, a grup of treasure hunters stoled everything they could leaving the boat in very bad conditions.

In my opinion, I think shipwrecks should be protected because they are very valuable and give historians clues about how the people sailed before, and what methods they did when the weather conditions were bad.

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