Monday 26 May 2014

My World

In this text I will talk about the possitive aspeects of living in a city, and in the countryside. Then, I will compare them and chose the option that best fits me.

In general, cities are much better for teenagers and young people, than for older people. In a city, you have shops next to your house, you can go out with your friends.

Book v.s. Film

There are many differences between the book and the film version, in the following text I will tell all the differences.

To start with, the film is recorded in a modern cities for example, the movie stars such as the phone and the cars. The film is more a comedy of the true story, and makes fun of gangs and Romeo's stupid love.

 Afer all, I think that the film is very bad, boaring and cheap. I think it should have more meat, and it should be recorded in a better way.

In the other side, the book was writen by Shakespeare many years ago and in old english. But, it narrates the true story changing a litle bit the towns and the stars character.

Monday 12 May 2014

My trip to Berlin

22nd of April

I woke up at the same hour I would In a normal school day. I arrived early to the school just in case I lost the bus or I forgot something in home. Some of my friends were already there.

We spent more than five hours traveling, and finally we arrived to Berlin. It was raining so we weren't as happy as we were when the plane took off.

Having just arrived  to the St Cristopher's Hostel we left the baggage in our rooms and we started the activities that the teachers had planed for us that afternoon.

23rd of April

This day is when we really started our touristic trip, we went to visit a museum. After having lunch, we went to another museum and we went to super to a very bad restaurant, what I didn't know is that we would go everyday.

In our room we were Miquel, AdriĆ , Luis, Raul and me.We laughed a lot, specially because Adri had already lost the room card.

24rd of April

This day was exactly the same as the 23rd of April, with only a difference, we had a little bit more of free time and we ate in the Subway, instead of the McDonald's.

25th of April

Certainly my favorite day, we had free time nearly all day long, I bought a pair of shoes in a skate shop called " Titus". My friends bought some  t-shirts and some sweaters as well. I bought some souvenirs for my parents because they had never been in Berlin. In fact, it's the only European capital that they haven't visited yet.

26th of April

We woke up happier than all the other days because we had free time all the morning, because it was the last day in Berlin so the teachers gave us more freedom to do what we want. We went to the airport at 2:00 o'clock and we got our flight to Barcelona, I was very tired so I slept in the plane and half of the time in the bus.

After all, I think this trip has been very interesting and we have learned somethings, but we should have had more free time, and visited less museums, which were very boring, but this doesn't take, that we learned new things.

Monday 5 May 2014

What's making duck sounds in the ocean?

Photo of a minke whale swimming in Antarctica.


Scientists have been trying to disccover a type of noise that can be heard at the bottom of the ocean since 1960.

At the beginning scientists thought that noise was made by a military object in the depths of the ocean, after a few years of investigation they discovered that the noise appeared each October and disappeared in December, and it can only be heard in the Antarctica.

With that information in their hands they started to realize that the sound was emited by an animal, but they didn't know what animal could make that huge ultra-sound noise that can be heard a few kilometres away.