Monday 17 February 2014

Shakespeare's Biography

William's Shakespeare Biography

He waw born on the 23d of April in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon which is a town near London. His family was well-off. His father, John Shakespeare was a Glovemaker, shop keeper and Mayor of Stratford. His mother, Mary Arden didn't have to work to be rich because she inherited lands. William had seven brothers and sisters. 

On the other hand, he wasn't a good student, he attended the free grammar school until 15. He read a lot of Mythology and Ovid books. 

He married Anne Hathaway on the 27th of November in 1582. Anne was eight years older than him. They had three children: Susanna and Hamnet and Judith who were twins. 

He lived in London for a long part of his life, but he retirated in Stratford because of the large amount of land he had there. 

In addition, by the 1592 he was raconized as a succesful actor on the London Stage. He wrote more than 38 plays as well as sonnets and other poems. He revolutionized the English stage with dramatic and poetic genius. He retired from the thatre and went to live to his native Stratford were he had bought a large house called "New Place". 

He died on his 52nd birthday,  on the 23d of April 1616 in Stratford. He was buried in the Church Of The Holy Trinity.

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