Monday 3 March 2014

Romeo & Juliet Summary

Romeo and Juliet is a love story written by William Shakespeare in the 1597. 

This story happens in Italy, concretely, in Verona. In this town there are two wealthy families that are always fighting, one family is called Montague family, the other one is called the Capulet family.

One day the servants of the Capulets were walking and meanwhile talking about the desire they have to fight the Montagues. Suddenly, the servants of the Montagues appear in the streets and as a result they start to fight. In a minute everyone is fighting.
One day in a Capulet party, Romeo sneaks in and meets Juliet, they both fall in love, they are members of different families so they can't marry officially, so they decide to marry secretly.

As nobody knows this marriage has occurred, Juliet's parents decide to marry Juliet with Paris.

Romeo calls someone to help him live in peace with Juliet and he gives him a potion that will make Juliet sleep the day of the marriage and the next day as well.

Romeo is now living in a nearby town because the prince has banished him from Verona, the news arrives to him in a wrong way, so he thinks Juliet is dead. He goes to the tomb with a poison he has bought and kills himself next to Juliet inside the tomb. Juliet wakes up sees Romeo and she suicides as well. At the end, because of all this tragic things, both families decide to live in peace and to be friends.


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