Monday 3 March 2014

Love Story (Titanic)

Titanic is a film directed by James Cameroon, published in 1997.

This film is about a cruiser that has been constructed and his first and last voyage will be from the UK to USA. Majorly, this film is about a couple that are in love, it's a romantic love film. When the Titanic was made the architects said it was an unsinkable boat, a terrific thing had to happen to make the boat sink, unfortunately happens.

The film is based in real facts, however it's focused on the love of Jack and Rose, who are two young people that meet in this tragic voyage. They were going to marry and Jack was going to help Rose to get out of his life that she hated, although he was engaged to a very rich person and had a lot of money, so she lived well, but, unfortunately she doesn't like it, meeting Jack is going to change her life but, life changes for all the people who were in the boat.

The boat was already near to it's destination, the guards that searched for icebergs and obstacles in the middle of the ocean at night time saw an iceberg, but too late, they tried to pass by the side, but the boat was wrecked by the huge iceberg, and started to sink, they called for S.O.S and help, but they arrived late and half of the people abroad died.

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