Monday 31 March 2014

1st INTERVIEW ( 3rd term)

Where are you from? 
England, York.

Is it the fisrt time that you are in Spain? 

How did you como here? By plane, ship or train? 
 By plane, he lost his first flight because of the traffic jam coming to the airport.

Why are you in Barcelona? 
People say it's a very nice place to visit, and my wife had always wanted to come.

How long are you going to stay here? 
 Two weeks.

Are you travelling with family or friends? 
 With my wife, I have two sons but they had exams.

What have you visited up to now? 
 The " Sagrada Familia" and today " Parc Guell".

What do you like the most? 
 The climate and the amount of facilities thay the city offers you.

Have you bought any presents? 
  Yes, the ipad mini air and the iphone 5s for my two sons.

How do you get around in the city, by underground, car, bus or on foot? 
 Normaly on foot but if it's far away by taxi.

Do you know any words in Catalan or Spanish? 
 Yes, but only basic things to be able to communicate with the managers of shop and restaurants.

Have you tried any typicall Spanish or Catalan food? 
 No, we don't like the Spanish food.

Do you think Barcelona is expensive? 

Do you see any differences from your country? 
 Yes, the people's character and specially the climate.

Is there anything you don't like?
 Only the Spanish food.

Would you recommend Barcelona to your family or friends?

Will you come back again? 
 Yes, with my two sons this summer.

Interview done to: 
John Walter Smith.

Monday 3 March 2014

What's your favorite horror film?

My favorite horror film is "28 weeks later". I don't really like watching horror films because then I can't sleep at nigh time and I imagine things that don't exist.

This film is based on an infected apocalypse in the UK, people start being infected and day after day more people become infected, the USA helps the British soldiers to close the zones and keep the inhabitants that are still alive in a extremely secure place. The film is majorly based in a family that is surviving at the outskirts of London, but a boy arrives running and enters the house, but the infected people have followed him so they enter the house and kill nearly everyone, only Don, the dad of a boy and a girls who are in a school trip in Spain survives.

When the children arrive from the trip his father explains them what has happened exactly, his son and his daughter are so unhappy that they escape from the security zone and go to their house to get some photos from their mother to remember her, while escaping a soldier sees them leaving the protected area, so he send people to go and get them, they find them in the house with their mother, but his mother is infected and in a bad estate. They get them all, including the mother, they investigate her, Don goes to were his wife is being investigated and says her sorry for abandoning her in the house, he kisses her and gets infected because of the saliva transmission, he escapes and kills nearly everyone in the zone. His daughter and son however survive thanks to a woman that later is killed by him.

28 weeks after France asks for help because they have detected infected movements in the metro-station in Paris, near the Infel Tower.

My favourite place to live (2nd term my world)

If I could choose any place in the world to live, I would go to the California, concretely, in Hollywood. The reasons for me to chose this place are simple:

-I love hot climate.

- I like the way in which the Americans live.

- I have always wanted to go and visit the place were they make the best films in the world.

- There are more artistic, or film-based universities, which is good as I want to study a career that is based in " Animation in 3D, motion and sound FX".

- I have always liked big cities with a wide range of activities to do everyday.

- It has a lot of natural places and facilities to enjoy.

Valentine´s day exercices

Valentine’s Day Around The World is the title of several listening exercises from ELLO.

I have learned that Valentine's day is a tradition that was created in the USA and it has been existing many years.

Love Story (Titanic)

Titanic is a film directed by James Cameroon, published in 1997.

This film is about a cruiser that has been constructed and his first and last voyage will be from the UK to USA. Majorly, this film is about a couple that are in love, it's a romantic love film. When the Titanic was made the architects said it was an unsinkable boat, a terrific thing had to happen to make the boat sink, unfortunately happens.

The film is based in real facts, however it's focused on the love of Jack and Rose, who are two young people that meet in this tragic voyage. They were going to marry and Jack was going to help Rose to get out of his life that she hated, although he was engaged to a very rich person and had a lot of money, so she lived well, but, unfortunately she doesn't like it, meeting Jack is going to change her life but, life changes for all the people who were in the boat.

The boat was already near to it's destination, the guards that searched for icebergs and obstacles in the middle of the ocean at night time saw an iceberg, but too late, they tried to pass by the side, but the boat was wrecked by the huge iceberg, and started to sink, they called for S.O.S and help, but they arrived late and half of the people abroad died.

Romeo & Juliet Summary

Romeo and Juliet is a love story written by William Shakespeare in the 1597. 

This story happens in Italy, concretely, in Verona. In this town there are two wealthy families that are always fighting, one family is called Montague family, the other one is called the Capulet family.

One day the servants of the Capulets were walking and meanwhile talking about the desire they have to fight the Montagues. Suddenly, the servants of the Montagues appear in the streets and as a result they start to fight. In a minute everyone is fighting.
One day in a Capulet party, Romeo sneaks in and meets Juliet, they both fall in love, they are members of different families so they can't marry officially, so they decide to marry secretly.

As nobody knows this marriage has occurred, Juliet's parents decide to marry Juliet with Paris.

Romeo calls someone to help him live in peace with Juliet and he gives him a potion that will make Juliet sleep the day of the marriage and the next day as well.

Romeo is now living in a nearby town because the prince has banished him from Verona, the news arrives to him in a wrong way, so he thinks Juliet is dead. He goes to the tomb with a poison he has bought and kills himself next to Juliet inside the tomb. Juliet wakes up sees Romeo and she suicides as well. At the end, because of all this tragic things, both families decide to live in peace and to be friends.